Crab Eating Fox Thesis

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There are many different kinds of animals in the Amazon Basin. Two that the author will be telling about are a Crab-Eating Fox and a Maned Wolf. They are both animals that live in the Amazon Basin. Throughout this paper the author will be telling about the Crab-Eating Fox and the Maned Wolf. For the thesis statement, the author will be having two thesis statements because they have two animals. The first thesis statement is about the Crab-Eating Fox: The Crab-Eating Fox may be related more to foxes, but is also related to wolves. The second thesis statement is about the Maned Wolf: The Maned Wolf looks more like a fox than a wolf. The first animal the author will be talking about is the Crab-Eating Fox. A Crab-Eating Fox comes from the species of a Cerdocyon which means half dog and half fox. The …show more content…

They truly do eat crab like it says in their name. They eat crab, fish, reptiles, rodents, insects, eggs, and fruit (Animalia). They walk in groups, but hunt by themselves. They do different hunting skills for the type of prey. They eat different foods in different seasons which means they eat more crab in the wetlands and more insects in drylands (Soft Schools).
The Crab-Eating Fox has a unique interaction with Red foxes, Culpeo foxes, Gray foxes, Arctic foxes, Jackals, Wild dogs, and Dingoes. They all live in peace, but do not live in the same habitat. They also share the same food. Since there is only one type of Crab-Eating Foxes, the author likes the short-eared Zorro. They like it because its ears are so cute! They have gray fur with red ears. They are cutest and only type (Di Bitetti).
The Maned Wolf is the second animal the author will be talking about. The Maned Wolf comes from the species of a Chrysocyon brachyurus. It means half fox and half wolf. The Maned Wolf’s Kingdom is Animalia. Its Phylum is Chordata. Its Class is Mammalia. Its Order is Carnivora and its Family is Canidae

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