Court's Holding In Randolph Case Summary

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1. Yes, I do agree with the Court’s holding in Randolph. Although, before I explain my reason why I would like to state that this case is confusing. This is one of those cases where you really have to debate whether the police was in the right or the wrong. I do believe that the police officer were acting in good-faith within this case. Originally Mrs. Randolph did give my permission for the police to search the home. She even led the officers to the area of the house where the evidence was. Then she later withdrew her consent when the police went to call in for a search warrant. However, the court had to make a difficult to decision because Mr. Randolph never did give consent to the search. If they are both the owners of the home then the police would need permission from both of them. Especially, since Mr. Randolph was the main person living there. Mrs. Randolph stated that she hasn’t even been staying there and she just returned. If anything I think Mrs. Randolph she have let them search the area of the house where all of her belongs were. She guided the police to a bathroom she identified as Mr. Randolph’s, which he did not give them consent to search nor was …show more content…

No, I do not believe the Court’s holding in the Randolph case means that victims or potential victims of violence will be less likely to receive police assistance in preventing or stopping such violence. If anything the case is an example of what not to do for future officers in law enforcement. This will also be a reminder to follow all of the correct procedures and not to just react so fast. If they would have followed the proper procedures then the officers would have had a justified search. In the future when police officers go to a home for a domestic violence situation they will now know to either have both husband and wife give consent to search the residence or have a warrant. If they don’t have neither one of those then they minds well leave after they settle the domestic violence

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