Countertransference In The Workplace

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During the course, I have learned many skills and various things I learned about myself. One thing that really stood out to me is counter-transference. During class, I realized that I practice countertransference a lot when meeting with clients. My perception of countertransference was therapists developing feelings for clients. However, this is not the only case. Counter-transference does not have to only be romantic feelings towards clients. In many instances when clients share their feelings and their personal struggles, I find myself feeling bad for the client. As I see clients visibly upset, I do not challenge them to further express their feelings. Due to their struggles, I do not challenge clients to go further into their feelings and talk about their struggles. I may feel bad for the client and discourage them from talking about their issues. However, they may feel the need to get their feelings off their chest. I should not perceive that a client does not want to talk about they're a traumatic event or past events unless they say they say they do not want to. They should determine when and at what pace to work on the issues. Group counseling is not simply about group members sharing their …show more content…

Usually, I work through lunch breaks. However, recently working in an inpatient setting all day, I have been feeling somewhat trapped. On occasion when I am feeling a little overwhelmed I will leave the unit and walk around for ten minutes. The ten minutes feels really good because it lets me escape from everyone and allows me to clear my head and take a breath. Recently I have been taking actual breaks. I enjoy going to my car and having time to myself. I'm my car I will roll back the seats and watch a video on my phone. I find these breaks make me feel much better. I feel as if it is an energy booster. After breaks, I feel I am not overwhelmed about getting my work

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