Corruption In The Prince, By Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

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The classic “The Prince” authored by NIccolo Machiavelli, can be illustrated as an attempt to call out the corruption in the Italian political system, and the dawn of a new sovereign in his safe haven of Florence, Italy. In a time where the Italian states system was crumbling to in its demise, Machiavelli expresses his perspective and reactions to the Italian government administration actually dedicating the book to the ruler of Florence, Lorenzo De Medici. He also laid down a guideline on how to be a poised prince, the goals he should obtain and the responsibilities one should focus on. Written in 1513, “The Prince” still holds true value in today’s political current events. Machiavelli gives you true vision into the realm of being a prince in Italy in the 16th century.
Machiavelli starts the book by describing the difference of states, those that are ruled in powers of Republics and Principalities. With republics he does not go into depth because he states that he had already discussed which is a reference to a prior novel is, one may discover to be Discourses written in 1517. He explained previously that with a republican government there is some sort of representation of the other classes within the society while with principalities it is headed by one person that can be a prince, a king, or even a duke. He goes into further detail describing two forms of principalities which are heredity and the new principalities. In where he defines that new principalities can be derived from new appendages from existing states or be completely new.
When dealing with hereditary lineages it is easier to rule in comparison to new principalities. That is because when the people have grown accustom and conform to the way that particu...

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... hated and should look for the love and loyalty of his people. He must learn to be strategic when it comes to getting his way. He must be view as a man of his word but also a ruler with the ability to do what needs to be done for the nation. His reputation with his people shows how his enemies must attack if he is despised by his people and view and a frivolous ruler he will be subjected to open attacks and conspiracies. While if he is shielded by the loyalty of his subjects he will be harder to over power.
In the final chapter of the book The Prince he goes into the history of Italy. He deciphers the history of past rulers he explains the mistakes they made to add to their failures. Within the final books he explains why he believed that Lorenzo de’ Medici (the person that book is dedicated to) is the only one that can help put Italy back to its previous glory.

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