Corporation's Responsibility In Roger & Me By Michael Moore

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It has been a big debate if corporations have a responsibility to the communities that they are a part of. In Roger & Me, Michael Moore shows the effects of General Motors closing a plant of 30,000 jobs in Flint, Michigan. This documentary is a perfect example to show that corporations have a responsibility to the community they are in. Moore shows that if the corporations leaves the town in the dust then the community with suffer. Corporations have a responsibility to the community they are a part of because the community works hard for them, the corporation is the community, and the corporation can afford it. If the community works hard for the company, then the company should work hard for the community. Many people from the community work for the corporation and continue to make the corporation a better company by working hard. Therefore, the corporation should give back to the community for all of the hard work that they have done. “Companies that encourage community involvement distinguish themselves from their competitors, and see many benefits, …show more content…

Most of the workers are part of the community, therefore, the corporation is also part of the community. If there was no community, there would be no corporation. A corporation has to realize this and realize that this means they have responsibilities to the community. The community looks up to the corporation as a leader of the community because so many citizens work for them. Chuck Piazza from Saybrook University says, “Business organizations usually reside in one or more local communities and operate to varying degrees in national and global arenas. Since organizations prosper because of this system, they have a responsibility to give back and help maintain the human communities of which they are a part.” Basically he is saying that the corporation becomes a part of the community when they decide to reside

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