Coronary Heart Disease Essay

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The World Health Organization defines coronary heart disease as a disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle where they are narrowing or blockage causes by cholesterol plagues deposit on the vessel wall resulting in abnormal thickening of the of the heart vessels (WHO, 2014). Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of 10 leading causes of death in the world (WHO, 2013). It remains the top major killers worldwide and continues to be a major burden in public health (Ferrari & Fox, 2009). According to WHO, there is an estimated of 7.3 million deaths due to coronary heart disease globally (WHO, 2013). Likewise in Singapore, 30.4% of all deaths caused by cardiovascular disease in 2011 which means 1 out of 3 deaths are due to ischemic heart disease (Singapore Heart Foundation, 2012). The number of coronary patients is increasing as a result of aging population (Ferrari & Fox, 2009). Singapore’s life expectancy is one of the highest in the world (National Population and Talent Division, 2012). Clearly with a rise in aging population, the nation and community must focus not only treating coronary heart disease but also preventing and providing more support into account of the elderly special needs and concerns. Although coronary heart disease is very common among the elderly, it is often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed in this age group due to difference in clinical manifestations (Aronow, 2013). Failure to recognize early signs and symptoms of coronary heart disease can lead to heart attack that increase numbers of deaths (Rao & Thanikachalam, 2005). To promote older people well being and prevent CHD complication, there is the need to create awareness of health risks associated with CHD, its causes and lifestyle changes (Health Pro... ... middle of paper ... ...t groups or organizations that are available for the elderly to seek help depending on their special needs. Healthy diet pyramid will be used as a guide to describe the variety of food. An information section will be given with short videos in between and followed by dietary practices questionnaire on food consumptions. In the end of the program, the elderly will be encouraged to participate in the group activities and games… In summary, coronary heart disease is the chronic health condition which is affecting quality of life in older people with high level of morbidity and rising trend in physical and emotional disability. However, this condition can be prevented through lifestyle modifications. Therefore it is important to raise public awareness of the disease prevention and complications to promote older people well being not only in Singapore but also worldwide.

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