Copernicus Research Paper

563 Words2 Pages

Nicolaus Copernicus, a famous astronomer and mathematician, ignited a fire storm of controversy in the Renaissance with his announcement that the sun was the center of the universe, rather than the earth. Using Claudius Ptolemy’s former books on astronomy, Copernicus made his own theories on the universe. Being very educated, Copernicus’s theories were usually correct and valid, although some were not. Besides proposing many other theories n the universe, Copernicus had many other accomplishments and achievements.
Around 1514, Copernicus finished his first book ,“Commentariolus”, which in Latin “small commentary,” held Copernicus’s findings on scientific methods for finding where the planets are, formulas, and observations, which ultimately led up to his discovery that the sun is the center of the Universe. In his heliocentric solar system, Copernicus made seven major theories. Among those, one is this, “The sun is the center of the universe, and all celestial bodies rotate around it.” -Nicolaus Copernicus. About two years later, Copernicus’s book “Commentariolus” was published. La...

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