Cookies and Hot Chocolate

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"I'm back." Aleks called into the hallway of the creature house with small sneeze escaping after. He shivered as he felt his skin relax to the new heat source.
He unbuttoned his coat and practically tore off the layers of wet sticky clothing that stuck to all of the curves on his body. When he received no reply he popped his head into the living room where both the lights and TV were off, which was unusual. Usually someone was sprawled over the sofa with munchies strewn around the floor by now.
He was expecting James to be sitting playing a game before dinner or something and Seamus sprawled over the floor begging James to stop trying to beat him.
"Hello?” He said a little louder. He knew Jordan wasn’t going to be here at least, where is everyone else?
Maybe they've gone last minute Christmas shopping, which would be typical of them. Aleks chuckled as he walked towards the kitchen to see if they left him a note.
So when he entered to see Eddie standing there, leaning against the counter, with his ankles crossed out in front of him, arms bent with hands against the tabletop and a rose trapped in his mouth, he couldn't stop the surprise that entered his voice.
"Eddie? What are you doing here? What's going on?"
Eddie gave his award winning giggle and removed the rose from his mouth. He held his hand out to me and I hesitantly let him grab my hand and twirled me in a circle. He held the rose out to me and bowed rather dramatically looking up to wink.
"My love! Won’t you accept my rose?”
Aleks slipped on a smile for a moment before taking the delicate flower into finger tips and twirling it around. He let himself take in the sweet smell of it before looking up to meet his eyes. "So what's this for?"
"Am I not allowed to be romantic, oh...

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...So what are we watching first?"
Aleks smiled and took the drink in both hands, the heat soaking through into his skin that was previously frozen by the winter weather. He dipped his finger into the cream and sucked it off when he heard a slight whimper beside him. He looked over to see Eddie sitting on the arm of the couch, staring at him with slightly darker than usual eyes. Aleks looked at him quizzically.
"It's weird how you can make something so innocent look so hot." Eddie breathed and Aleks rolled his eyes, laughing at him. “We’re watching Elf. I don’t want to hear any complaints!”
"That's great. Besides, we've got hours to work through all these films so no hurry." Eddie kissed Aleks cheek as he grabbed the remote and hit play.
"Merry Christmas Aleks." Eddie murmured as Aleks snuggled into a blanket and held his head on his shoulder.
"Merry Christmas Eddie."

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