Epilogue To Arthur Miller's 'The Grapes Of Wrath'

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Days melted together for Pan but today was an exception. Today, he was anything but dazed and manical. The sound of summer pop music gushed from the radio and the chatter of his friends slammed into his ear. Pan woke up, startled but once again conscious and something about the shift elated him. Eddie's long hair and fluttering eyes caught his eye and he wanted to touch. The light soaked through the hair, blinding Pan for several seconds. "I want to touch your hair." Noise continued to come on all sides of Pan but at that moment, he was happy. Everything made him happy and the one thing that would make him happier would be touching Eddie's waving hair. "Eddie?" "He's asleep," Olivia, designated driver shouted over all the noise. How she managed

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