Contemporary Craft Analysis

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Luice-smith in his article ‘Craft Today, Historical Roots and contemporary perspectives’ which is written 1983, pointed out the contemporary craft perspectives and also the various applications of craft in that age. He believes that many of this meaning for craft shaped in the sixties and hadn't changed dramatically over time, and so far these concepts continue to emerge in the same way in the contemporary world. He describes the formation and concept of crafts as follows: "Contemporary craftsmen remain a society within a society, distinguished from the world surrounding them by their perception of craft and their choice of it as their primary occupation. This perception incorporates important attitudes: First, The craft provides the individual …show more content…

He explains that the influence between art and craft was bidirectional relationship during the years until the border between them falls. After that hitherto, the craft is a rival for fine art and industries, and he figured out some reasons as these for that such as:"The people who buy them are in search of something that retains the intimacy of the human touch and makes ideas of quality concrete." And also changes in people's perception of craft from handmade to applied art which happened through the acquaintance with different culture such as Japan leads to changes in the value of the craft. "We respect and value them as totems and touchstones as we do fine art." And "It is now possible to see a chair, old or new, in several ways simultaneously: as an object to sit on, as a decorative item that may be part of a larger scheme, and as …show more content…

Despite the fact that the meaning of craft in the point of view of some theoretician like Richard Sennett is very extensive and even encompasses programming and mathematics. But, as Awileda Rodriguez points out in his article " Art of workmanship in the digital age, "The word “craft” brings to memory the “handmade” object". , Even though craftsmen were the first one who applied new theologies in his work throughout history. And they also applied digital tools but still "craft within the digital realm is still perceived as something of a paradox, because the hand plays a minor role on coaxing the material." Especially this paradox is more relevant in the context of generative

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