Construction Techniques

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Construction Techniques

The idea that man can create materials which have properties not found in nature is profound, however in reality this is a relatively simple process. One designs a unit cell or meta-atom and then binds these meta-atoms into a structure creating a metamaterial [1]. Such a metamaterial can have optical properties which can be adapted to a certain requirement. To make a Negative index metamaterial, NIM, the requirement is that the refractive index, n, should be negative. By building certain shapes of meta-atom the permeability, µ, and permittivity, ԑ, of the metamaterial can in theory be chosen. From a construction point of view there are two branches of metamaterials which are 2D and 3D NIMs, and the construction techniques differ between the two branches. 2D NIMs are metamaterials constructed with just one layer of meta-atoms, whereas 3D NIMs are constructed with many layers placed above one another.

When making a NIM there are some considerations which need to be taken into account [2]. Firstly the size of the meta-atom must be much smaller than the wavelength of the radiation that is to incident on it. Secondly the losses from the material the NIM is fabricated from also plays an important role, NIMs made using low loss materials such as gold and silver. Thirdly Homogeneity is required to create a NIM which the radiation will interact with uniformly.

The Electron beam lithography process utilises a beam of electrons to create periodic voids on the surface of a resist which will have a negative refractive index at certain wavelengths. The width of electron beam can be adjusted to have a width on the nano-scale, which is necessary for the incident electromagnetic radiation to interact with the metama...

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