Composition On Shame

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Shame In A Technological Age
Many people have fallen victim of shame and as our culture advances, shame adapts whether it’s spread through social media or personally. Shame is a feeling of deep humiliation because of a wrongful behavior or the public’s action of condemning an unlawful doing. When these intense emotions are not dealt with appropriately it can be unhealthy for the brains development as well as our mental health. Shame has been a part of our society for generations as a method to deter individuals from committing crimes, creating safer communities; however, the use of shame should be controlled to stop people from using humiliation as a tool to degrade others through modern communication.
In some cases, shame is efficient because …show more content…

As a country we have established laws and have established punishments based on the degree of the offense. Shame can be extremely detrimental to our mental health, and its effect can be so powerful and ultimately destroys one’s life. Teens are especially vulnerable as frequent social media users. Many are not able to cope with the intense emotion of humiliation and can cause individuals to take life-threatening decisions, apparent in the case of Izabel Laxamana. After, her father publicly shamed the teen on video for sending a “selfie” to a boy she “flung herself off a bridge onto a freeway” (Perry p.4). Izabel was only 13 years old, the feeling of shame overwhelmed her, leading to her death. The fathers impulse to shame his daughter as possibly a means of parenting, had devastating effects on his daughter. Culture, religion or a variety of factors could have played a role in this situation, regardless, as a society it is important to educate older and newer generations of the impacts of social media shaming or bullying. Now we have various programs and suicide prevention groups that can …show more content…

Lewinsky was once a young White House intern who had an affair with the President, Bill Clinton. Within a day popular magazines featured her story, she received countless online threats and fell victim to constant public humiliation. She states, “Overnight I went from a completely private figure to a publicly ashamed one”(Lewinsky). As the Clinton scandal became the public’s focus, the public treated her in unimaginable ways. Monica was also one of the first to become victim of things “going viral” and the rapid dissemination of information and mass media. On top of this, there was little to no awareness of its impacts because it was nuanced. During her talk, she remembers her parents fearing that she would be humiliated to death (Lewinsky). She became so traumatized that she couldn’t even lead a normal life for about ten years. Demonstrating that shame is not a proper way to deal with social order as it can negatively alter a person’s life. Although there is more awareness of public shaming, it does not lessen the impact on individuals and our society still needs to implement programs or assistance. To strengthen our society, we must encourage and support individuals rather than tear them down. For the greater good of humanity, shame should be controlled to avoid

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