Summary Of Brene Brown's The Gifts Of Imperfection And Daring Greatly

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As Theodore Roosevelt once said, “…there is no effort without error and shortcoming;” and having read Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly, I wholeheartedly agree with that statement, and Brown’s decision to include it in her book. I chose to read Daring Greatly because I love Brown’s witty remarks and humor, also because it seemed like a book I might actually take something away from, and I was not wrong. I have never been the type of person to read self-help books, but Brown has made me a firm believer through both The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly, and I do not think you can truly reflect on one without also reflecting on the other. Through chapter after chapter of personal testimony, dedicated research, …show more content…

Brown begins Daring Greatly with an empowering passage about what it truly means to dare greatly; to embrace our vulnerability and face the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure of our everyday lives. In order to dare greatly, we must let ourselves be seen, we must show up to our arena and engage. This idea was quite frightening to me, as I’ve always been the one to avoid tenuous problems and confrontation at all cost. However, Brown had truly changed my life with The Gifts of Imperfection, so I decided to continue reading with an open mind, ready to identify what my arena is and find the courage within myself to step up and enter. Following this …show more content…

Shame is like a dark shadow that follows us around, making us second guess what we are about to do, and always something we refuse to talk about. As Brown puts it, shame “derives its power from being unspeakable.” If we recognize our shame and speak about it, it’s like shining a flashlight on it; it dies. This is why vulnerability and shame go hand in hand. We must embrace our vulnerability in order to talk about shame, and once we talk about shame and release ourselves from its bonds, we can fully feel vulnerable and use that vulnerability to find courage and dare greatly. In order to reach this level of wholeheartedness, we must “mind the gap,” as Brown says, between where we are and where we want to end up. We must be conscious of our practiced values and the space between those and our aspirational values, what Brown calls the “disengagement divide.” We have to keep our aspirations achievable, or disengagement is inevitable. Minding this gap is quite a daring strategy, and one that requires us to embrace our own vulnerability as well as cultivate shame resilience. Accomplishing our goals is not impossible if we simply cultivate the courage to dare to take action. We can’t let this culture of “never enough” get in our way, and we have to use our vulnerability and shame resilience to take that step over the

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