Components Of Primary Health Care

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Principles and components of primary health care Primary health care (PHC) is an essential care based on the pathway to meet the basic human right. According to world health organization (WHO) in 1978, primary health care was defined as the essential health care, based on practical, scientifically sound. Moreover, social acceptances method and technology, universally accessible to all in the community through their full participation, at an affordable cost, and geared towards self-reliance and self-determination. (WHO&UNICEF, 1978).primary health care shifts the emphasis of health care to the people for themself and for their needs, reinforcing and strengthening their own capacity to shape their lives. Hospital and primary health care centres then became the only one aspect of the system in which health care is provided. As a philosophy, primary health care is based on the overlap of mutuality, social justice and equality. As a strategy, primary health care focused on individual and community strengths (assets) and chance of changing (needs), it also maximizes the participation of the community, includes all relevant sectors but avoids duplication of services, and uses only health technologies that are accessible, acceptable, affordable and appropriate. Primary health care according to declaration of ‘‘Alma Ata”conference it was said that monitoring and surveillance were developing healthier societies, because of the principles of primary health care was implemented to achieve better standard of health for all people. It also addresses the main health problem in the community providing promotive, prevention of care, curative and rehabilitative services. It includes education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of... ... middle of paper ... made or broken down. It means that there will be even distribution among the population of whatever resources for health are available. Reference Anne McMurray, J, C. (2012).Community Health and Wellness: Primary Health Care in Practice (4th ed.).(L.Norrie, Ed.) Australia: Libby Houston. Janice E.Hitchcock,P.E.(2003).Community Health Nursing-Caring In Action (2nded.).(C.L.Esperti, Ed.)New York: William Brottmiller. Keogh,S.P.,Shafi,A.,&Wijetunge,D.B.(1998).Comarison of Owttawa ankle rules and current local guidelines for use of radiography in acute ankle injuries.JR Coll SurgEdinb,pg 43,341-343. Stanhope-Marcia.Jeanette-Lancaster (2002).Public Health Nursing: Population-Centred Health Care in the Community (7th Ed.).Academy of science Courtesy of the National Academic Press, Washington. WHO(1978).Primary Health Care. Retrieved Oct7,2008 from WHO Wbesities:http.

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