Comparison of Values in Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby

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The very essence of money creates an urge in human nature to obtain it and have an excess of it. When people come into wealth and begin rising on the social ladder, they usually become corrupted, and compromise their personal values. In the novels, Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby, the protagonists, Pip and Jay Gatsby respectively, believe their wealth is used for the common good, but in reality many values are being compromised. Pip and Gatsby both utilize their money in an attempt to bring the women they love into their lives. Along the way toward achieving their goal, they violate ethics, which, in turn, change them as people.

Despite the two novels possessing differences, they coincide in many aspects. When Pip acquires the money from the unknown benefactor, he moves away under Jaggers guidance and seldom returns to his hometown. In the beginning, his reasons for coming back were to visit Joe, Biddy, and Miss Havisham, but eventually he changes and seeing the people previously so important to him appears to become a chore. This is ironic because, before, he looked up to Joe, and regarded him as a father, now he refuses to see him on account of Joe being a common blacksmith. This is one of the first changes that we see in Pip after his knowledge that he will become educated. Pip’s entire reason for becoming a gentleman is to attract Estella, and make her return the feelings of love that he holds for her. Ultimately, it appears that Pip is willing to cast away his old life and friends, to become a gentleman and obtain Estella. This perfectly illustrates an immense change in Pip when he compromises his beliefs to accumulate money, stature and, inevitably, Estella.

Jay Gatsby also utilize...

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... Your paper should reflect this organization. First discuss their violation of ethics within your paper and then move on to their changes.

3. How did their violation of ethics affect their personalities? Do their violations have similar outcomes? Did their plans for winning the women work? What were the differences between the novels that determined the different outcomes? How did the characters, Gatsby and Pip feel about their unethical money?

4. Your paper could have been stronger if you had used more quotes. Quotes support your ideas and give proof to your arguments.

5. When using quotes, be sure to cite them. You should have the name of the author and the page number on which the quote can be found.

6. In your works cited, you should also have the city in which the book was published in front the publishing company.

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