Comparison Of John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Of Mice and Men is a wonderful story about two brother like friends named, George Milton (Gary Sinise), and Lennie Small (John Malkovich), who are like most men in their time. They travel the states looking for farms to work on, but what sets them apart is that they got someone who cares about them, they aren’t like the other men travelling alone. Their lives have taken turn after turn, Lennie getting them into trouble and George cunning them out of it, and soon those turns led them to a farm in the Salinas valley. There Lennie gets into trouble and George might not be able to talk them out of it. John Malkovich did a fantastic job playing Lennie, he was large and small, weak and strong, and old and childish all at the same time, just like Lennie is. Lennie is a carefree guy with mental disabilities, and back then not much was known about mental disabilities or how to help people with them. Lennie never knew his own strength, often killing small animals if he tried to pet them, and this leads to a big conflict at the end of the movie. …show more content…

He was kind even when he said harsh words to Lennie, just like George. George is a dreamer, he wants his own place with Lennie, he wants to, “live off the fatta the land,” as they say, and he cares about Lennie with all his heart and even when Lennie does bad George never leaves him. Even when George makes the biggest mistake of his life George wants to stay with him, though it might not be

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