Comparison Of Gandhi, Angelina Gandhi And Harry Belafolie

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If asked to choose between Gandhi, Angelina Jolie or Harry Belafonte, who would be considered the most admired for their morals? For most people it’s an obvious answer; Gandhi, he is known for his non-violent movement and civil disobedience as a means of independence from Great Britain, he is viewed as one of the morally driven individual our society has come to know. Angelina Jolie, famous for the Jolie-Pitt foundation, provides aid in nearly 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics and malnutrition. As for Harry Belafonte, do we even know who he is? Multiple times Belafonte declined offers that required him to perform with a non-integrated cast or perform a role he felt was not positive towards African Americans. Harry always insisted that all people of color, no matter their role, be treated as equals on and off the stage. He was presented with many opportunities to grow as an artist but he stood by his beliefs and did not accept any of it to stay true to his advocacies. I doubt that these explanations will persuade you to choose Belafonte over Gandhi. But they show than an aura and feeling of goodness toward someone alters our perspective. With this being said we can conclude that morality is a mere trick of our brain and can be influenced by many factors. Money and societal acceptance changes one’s perception of what morality is. Americans today manipulate their own morals in order to gain self-acceptance and the approval of their religion and of society. Nevertheless, I hesitate to base my own moral perception on these, because I believe that there are multiple spheres that intrude our judgment we have to put in consideration to fully... ... middle of paper ... ...e community. This shows that one’s moral can be negotiated between different spheres. The ultimate problem is that people’s perceptions are so skewed. We tend to believe that it is bad to harm others and good to help them, which is right but limiting your judgment of one’s morality based on this is not very effective. We tend to believe in reciprocity, the idea that when someone does something good we expect something back. Instead of relying on getting something back, why not juts do good to be good. We value loyalty to a group we believe in such as religion, which we also see as an authority. We get so hooked to what is accepted by the authority that we just end up following whatever it is deemed to be right or good by them. There is no formula for morality. We have to understand that morality is a mere trick of the brain and can be influenced by many factors.

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