World War II Propaganda

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Unity can accomplish the most dismal circumstances. Perhaps the most dismal circumstances a nation can go through is war, and luckily, the efforts and cooperation of American civilians during World War II greatly affected the outcome of the war. While troops were fighting for their country, the folks at home were taking responsibility for the country's needs. Through the persuasion of exuberant propaganda, voluntarism and employment blossomed. The American people were centered on one goal, and because of this, we were united ("RESEARCH STARTERS"). Efforts on the home front not only aided the war, but also brought Americans together with a sense of patriotism and community during a dark time in history. First, America had to be called to action, and propaganda was the government’s main tool. With the residue of World War I still lingering over the U.S., most Americans were isolationists, meaning they wanted no part of a war. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, however, more Americans began to support the war, and by 1942 President Franklin Roosevelt established the Office of War Information to carry out propaganda messages. The formation of the OWI kept the American public concentrated on wartime production for a worthy cause ("World War II Propaganda"). O.W. Riegel, a propaganda analyst for the OWI, said, "The function of the war poster is to make coherent and …show more content…

With the OWI's help recruiting artists and filmmakers, the American government

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