Comparison Of Christianity: The Five Worldviews

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Christianity is one of the six major worldviews in society today. The six major worldviews, excluding Christianity, are Secularism, Marxism, Islam, Postmodernism, and New Spirituality. Christianity has very few similarities with these other five worldviews, but some common ideals do still exist. Some of these concepts include academics, economics, and even spirituality. Secularism and Christianity are constantly jarring with each other in the academic world. Many Secularists deny any credibility of Christians in the scientific field. They also believe that intelligent design is absolutely preposterous. Secularists believe that religion is the poison that keeps society from advancing further. In reality, Secularists have a religion …show more content…

Islam teaches that a man named Muhammad received revelations from God through the angel Gabriel. After that, he went to Mecca and preached to the people. Christians believe that Jesus was the son of God, and he preached to the people. One of the fundamental beliefs of Islam is the five pillars. The first is based on repeating the testimony of faith, which declares that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the prophet. The second is praying five times a day. The third is fasting in the month of Ramadan until sundown. The fourth is the giving Zakat, which means the support of the needy by two and one-half percent. The last is the pilgrimage to Mecca. If possible, a Muslim must make a pilgrimage to Mecca (“What Are The Five Pillars”). Christianity says that if you say that Jesus is God and believe that God resurrected him, you will be saved from eternal death. Christianity also teaches its followers to pray, but they have no set number or limit. Fasting is a common teaching in Christianity, and in some denominations it is absolutely necessary. The tithe is the Christian’s way of giving to the church, and Christ called the church to help the needy. Lastly, the Bible does not speak of a pilgrimage to a place such as …show more content…

New Spirituality is a combination of Eastern religions, paganism, and pseudo-science. New Age followers focus on finding the god in themselves. They have no scriptural text, formal organization, or even creed. It is all built upon a free-flowing spiritual movement built by a group of people with similar beliefs. These people work to achieve a meditative bliss that is believed to be already inside of them; many call it a higher state of consciousness (Jones). Christians believe that God created man and is separate from him. Christianity is built upon the Bible, which contains the words of God. They believe that God is not attainable through any means; God can only be communicated with through Jesus

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