Comparing Van Gogh's Final Stage Of Life With Erikson

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I'm able to relate that Van Gogh’s final stage of life with Erikson’s theory. Van Gogh had very few relationships with others and was said to be a difficult man (Wallace, 1969). He once said that the world was something God had put together “in a hurry on one of his bad days” (Wallace, 1969, p. 8). Thus, he engaged himself completely in his art and every stage of his art had personal meaning (Meyer S. , 1951). It is able to say that Van Gogh in no way accomplished intimacy with some other individual besides for his relationship together with his brother Theo. However, when Theo got married and has a son of his very own, Van Gogh felt extra isolated and loneliness (Wilkie, 1990) .Van Gogh in no way developed intimacy with some other man or woman

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