Comparing Two Charity Leaflets

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Comparing Two Charity Leaflets

Compare the advertising leaflet for Christian Aid with the leaflet

produced by the rspca. Analyse how the different charities try to

persuade their audience to change their view, and/or do something to

help them, and the difficulties the charities face. Examine and

comment on their effectiveness.

The purpose of this essay is to compare two charity leaflets and to

analyse the effectiveness and impact that they have on the audience. I

will be comparing how they persuade the audience to act or think

differently. The two charity adverts I will be comparing are those

produced for Christian Aid, which is a humanitarian organisation, and

the rspca (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to

Animals), which is an animal welfare organisation.

Charities are there for support. The main purpose of them is to

improve livelihoods and help people or animals that are less

fortunate, fighting to survive. Charities operate in different

communities and each organisation has a unique way of helping. Without

these charities many people and animals all over the world would be

suffering and most of them would have no hope of living.

People give to charities for many reasons: Some feel guilty that there

is suffering in the world and feel that it is their duty to help

prevent this suffering. Other people feel sympathetic. Some of the

world's major religions state that believers must donate to charity,

as it is their moral duty towards God to do so.

A charity usually focuses on one target and raises awareness about

just one particular issue. For example there are charities preventing

child abuse (nspcc)...

... middle of paper ...

... to call or booklets to send

off for. The audience will see that the rspca is an organised charity

and this will encourage them to donate some money.

Both of these adverts are very effective. They are attractive and

informative. However, I believe that the Christian Aid leaflet is more

appealing than the rspca advert. This is because the reader can relate

more to the consequences of not having basic amenities and access to

clean water and food. This advert would receive a lot of support and

donations from the audience as the reader could imagine what it is

like to live in those conditions. They would feel sympathetic towards

the victims of this charity's project. The shocking images also

persuade the reader to support this charity as they reveal to the

reader what the world is really like and encourages them to help.

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