Comparing The Thousand And One Nights

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is deemed appropriate.” Of course, the moral choices that we made in the previous life are responsible for our present dharma. Being a Hinduism, I learnt to do good dharma no matter what the circumstances are. In addition to this, Qur’an is also one of the famous early world literature. Qur’an is the holy book for Islam and is the most popular book among the Arabian literature. The Qur’an is a holy book for Islam which consists of God’s final revelation to humanity through Prophet Muhammad. Smith states that, “The words of the Koran came to Muhammad in manageable segments over twenty-three years through voices that seemed at first to vary and sometimes sounded like “the reverberating of bells,” but which gradually condensed into a single …show more content…

One of such early world literature is The Thousand And One Nights. This book was written by anonymous authors. It is probably a composite of oral stories which are developed over several centuries in different countries. Each collection features different stories but they are all centered around the frame story of the King Shahrayar and his wife Shahrazad. The king found his first wife is unfaithful, Shahrayar kills her and swears to marry every new girl and kills her the next morning in order to prevent from further betrayal. Shahrazad, the king vizier’s daughter planned to marry him so that she can end this pattern. She then got married with the king and began to tell him story on every night. She always begins the story and stops it in the middle, so that the king will be eager to hear the rest of the story the coming night. She continues this pattern for almost 1001 nights until the king finally change his heart. The main important part of this literature is that they consist of frame tales which entertains the readers by showing the culture of that time period. Studying this literature tell the truth about the things that happened at that time. Some of the stories serve similar function today. Knowing this literature influences me that one should not be afraid to do certain things which are beneficial to others no matter how danger the work is. Women can raise their voice in …show more content…

It is a frame tale poem that has numerous storytellers and it also talks against various stereotypes. This book mainly focuses on society and the relationship between story and storyteller. It also helps to know about the lives of people during the period of time when this text was written. The main theme of this story is to give power to the women over her husbands or lovers. Studying this literature tells about the stereotypes which are not common. Stereotypes concerning beauty is the good example which is not a common stereotype. In the text, the king told to the women that all the beautiful women are cheaters. In fact, all the beautiful women are not cheaters. In this text, an ugly woman told the king to choose between the two things which are become ugly with loyal to her king or beautiful without loyalty. Then, the ugly woman was given a chance by the king to choose between the two things. After that, the ugly woman chooses to become a nice looking lady and choose to be loyal to her husband. Beauty is concerned to the person connected. This literature influences me to give power to the women over men in all the things. A good family needs equal power and decision capabilities between husband and wife. There is totally different in male/female relationships in society today than in the prologue and tale. Now, if either men or women cheat

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