Comparing Hamlet And Death Of A Salesman

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Hamlet and Death of a Salesman Thematic evaluation
Throughout time, humans experience many positive and negative life experiences. These experiences can be categorized under various themes, ranging from; love even onto betrayal, and through these themes human emotions and experiences can be studied. “Hamlet,” by William Shakespeare, and “Death of a Salesman,” by Arthur Miller, are two well written plays, displaying a both very tragic and thematic approach. Although, they take place in two very different time periods, under two very different circumstances they share a common effect. Hamlet’s tragic story takes place in the royal castle Elsinore, Denmark, while the Loman’s story takes place in Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Boston in the late 1940s. …show more content…

In Hamlet’s case he is watching one of the Players act, and notices that even though it is just a play, the actor still takes haste to cry. “Yet I a dull and muddy-mettled rascal, peak like john-a-dreams, unpregnant of my cause, and can say nothing--no, not for a king upon whose property and most dear life, a damned defeat was made. Am I a coward”(2.2.593-598)? Hamlet on the other hand is not so quick to gather his rage, to avenge his father’s death. He realizes how much he is procrastinating, and how indecisive he has been on decision making. As result of this, Hamlet evaluates himself and questions if he is a coward. Further, Hamlet evaluates his procrastination and indecisive nature when he see Prince Fortinbras trying to replenish his kingdom. “Witness this army of such mass and charge, led by a delicate and tender prince, whose spirit with divine ambition … To all that fortune, death, and danger dare, even for an eggshell ”(4.4.50-69). Hamlet can see that Fortinbras is willing to do anything to strengthen his kingdom and to gain what his father has lost, and seeing this ambition makes him think about why he is taking so long to get his father's revenge. Hamlet sees that Fortinbras is fighting virtually for nothing but he at least put in an effort towards his cause. Hence, Hamlet’s lack of …show more content…

In order for Biff to survive in a working environment he must put in the effort. “Biff, where were you? You’re supposed to study with me today”(20). Biff is similar to any ordinary high school student, who puts off homework or studying to the last minute. Through Bernards reminder, it is discovered that Biff has been stalling and not doing his studying. Consequently, Biff’s procrastination leaves him a future of uncertainty. Furthermore, when Willy tries to find out why Biff has not been able to secure a future for himself, he learns that Biff never put any effort into it in the first place. “He never trained himself for anything”(71). Bernard tells Willy this because he has: grown up, watched, and learned from Biff’s actions, that if he applies himself to his work, he would be successful. Since Biff always procrastinates he deprives himself from obtaining a future. In the same way, Hamlet does not take haste to his opportunity, and their procrastination and indecisiveness has caused them to either suffer great loss, or realise they have been wasting time. Through, their lack of ambition the characters have revealed their procrastination, and this develops the theme of procrastination and indecisiveness, because neither one of them have taken action to fulfill their

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