Compare and Contrast Essay

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Have you ever imagined a world where you walk not only amongst humans (like you) but aliens too? In the year 3000, a spaceship filled with millions of aliens called the Jallots from the planet Jupiter landed on earth in search of a safe place to live. Their planet was destroyed and they needed a new place to call their home. The President of the United States called for a meeting with the International Alien Society to establish a set of laws and regulations for the aliens to live amongst the human race. Six months later, aliens were not unknown and abnormal to the humans. Until one day, a man named Scott noticed an alien boy with blue prints of the city and new high tech weapons. Scott reported this to the head of the Human-Alien Alliance and the International Alien Society and took the alien into custody.
When they questioned the alien boy on his suspicious activity, he laughed and then a loud sound went off. Everyone looked worried and tried to find out what was going on. The alien whose name is Ralph just kept on laughing as if someone told a hilarious joke. The police went outside to see a huge spaceship with humans attached to the bottoms of the ship. The aliens were taking over and enclosing all of the humans into one big area. When all was going good, and everything seemed fine living alongside these aliens, everything went bad.
The human race all close together in this enclosure, woke to hear a weird and loud sound. It was the head of the aliens talking in their language. Subtitles were on and the people started reading. The head of the aliens, Gerald, began saying him and his race only came to Earth to take over, and he explained how they tricked the people into thinking that living alongside them would be nothing but...

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... life. For the cons, (this out way the pros) there would be war and violence, and the aliens taking over and locking up all the inhabitants on earth. The earth will go from very colorful with many natural resources to colorless and all the resources depleted of from Earth.
Overall, having an alien race living on Earth and taking over would only cause Earth to be destroyed and would not be a good idea. The landscape would be nothing but brown, food will be fought over, and the animals of the Earth would all start to fight and violence will fill the air. With the animals left alone, and food becoming scarce, the animals will eventually eat each other, and when all of the animals have been eaten the animals will come and attack for food. I do not believe that this could happen on Earth because Aliens do exist, and if they did they would not survive in our atmosphere.

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