Compare Two Ways Of Living With Anxiety Essay

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Kaydin Huff WAYS TO DEAL WITH ANXIETY 1. CHALLENGES THAT ANYONE COULD FACE AT SOME POINT: i. Having feelings of anxiety, nervousness, tension, and stress ii. Feeling as if you can't handle life's ups and downs iii. Just feeling detached or unsupported 2. SOME COPING SKILLS TO DEAL WITH CHALLENGES LIKE THAT: i. Get enough sleep, nourishment, and exercise- You need the right amount of sleep for your needs, not too much or too little. Eating fruit, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains give you long-term energy rather than the short bursts of energy that come along with sugar or caffeine. Exercise sends oxygen to every cell in the body so your brain and body can operate at peak performance, it is also a great way to help get all of that excess energy out and put to good use. ii. …show more content…

CHALLENGES THAT ANYONE COULD FACE AT SOME POINT: i. Finding it hard to accept what we feel ii. Feeling incredibly intense emotions that we don't always know how to deal with iii. Not always expressing our emotions in the right ways (intentionally or not) 6. SOME COPING SKILLS TO DEAL WITH CHALLENGES LIKE THAT: i. Make a habit of tuning into how you feel in different situations throughout the day- Simply notice whatever emotion you feel during a situation in your everyday life (ex: feeling excited when you buy a new book) and then name that emotion in your mind. Notice how each emotion passes and makes room for the next experience. ii. Rate how strong the feeling is- After you notice and name an emotion, take it a step further by rating how strongly you feel that emotion on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the smallest feeling and 10 the most intense. iii. Share your feelings with people close to you- Make it a daily practice to share feelings with a friend or family member, it is the absolute best way to practice putting emotions into words and it helps you feel closer to loved ones. You could share something personal or simply something that is an everyday

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