Compare And Contrast Koalas And Grizzly Bears

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If you had a grizzly bear's paw next to a koala bear's paw this is what you'd see. A koala's is about the same size as a human's hand and a bears paw is about twice the size. Koalas and grizzly bears are different. A koala is not a real bear. But a bear is a real bear. They are also similar because they are mammals and eat leaves for part of their diet.

Koala bears have really unique lives and that's what makes them special. The habitat they live in is usually eucalypt forests. Another place could be in the woodlands. Where they sleep for most of the day is in trees. The way their family is set up is not always with each other. Even though they live in the same tree and forest they mostly sleep. Once the baby is born it is in the …show more content…

Bears can live anywhere but Grizzly bears live in subalpine meadows and dense forests. When grizzly bears hibernate they usually live in caves. A sloth of bears is usually a mom and the cubs. The mom bear is called a sow, the dad bear doesn't have a name because they are never with the family and the babies are called cubs. There is usually a dearth amount of cubs in a family. The families are always together and not with a different family. All bear look different but I'm not talking about the other bears I am talking about grizzly bears. Grizzly bears are usually just the color brown and not really anything different. Grizzlys need big paws to get around and travel. Bears have small black eyes. Their eyes are small because they don't need very good eyesight because they have such good sniffers. Usually the weight of a cub is about 4- 10 pounds when they are born but when they are adults they weigh 175- 500 pounds.

Grizzly Bears and Koalas have differences in their life styles but also have similarities. Both of the animals eat plants for part of their diet. Koalas and Grizzly bears are both mammals and don't lay eggs. Another similarity is their favorite activity is to sleep and eat for the day. Koalas and Grizzly bears are very similar and also

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