Transitioning from High School to College: A Crucial Juncture

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When any adolescent enters High School they are still young and on the search to find themselves. High Schooler’s often make bad decisions, but quickly see that these mistakes there to be learning experiences rather than to dwell on them. Often, for many students, High School does not present an extreme amount of stress, rather it is a a place to learn more about yourself. Once college hits, stress is the only thing on the mind. College students are always worrying about if they did their homework, if they have a big test coming up, if they studied enough, and if they even have enough money to pay their bills. So the key to college is to know that the fundamentals of college are different than high school, be responsible and reliable to yourself, do all your homework, and most importantly be respectful to your peers and teachers …show more content…

High schools are by far more built for students,scheduled and disciplined. The students are often times are forced to go so they are very opposed to school. The schedule is the same each day and the student is expected to have excellent attendance and faces disciplinary action if attendance protocol is not met. College is a very different story, the approach of colleges towards structure and attendance is much more relaxed. You can not go to class and it will be up to you on what you start to lack on. If you fall behind in a class because you have poor attendance they consider it unfortunate and expect the student to find a way to catch up on work. The teachers will not force you to join the class as a matter of fact they don’t care at all. The students may have a different schedule for each day of the week and they are expected to be able to handle their day to day work accordingly. The difference between a senior in high school and a freshman in college is the responsibility one has to carry once they reach

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