Compare And Contrast Gathering Blue And The Outsiders

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The Outsiders vs Gathering Blue The Outsiders by S.E Hinton and Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry are two very similar books who both share very valuable lessons that connect together. Although they are not in a series together, they hold many similarities but they have just as many differences. To any other person who has only read the summaries, they seem very different. But with a magnifying glass and an open mind, they are teaching readers the same lessons in a different format and a different perspective. “Theme; the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a topic” ~ Google. There are many themes in both books and each of them are incredibly valuable. One of them main and common themes in both books is “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” ~ Lester Fuller and Edwin Rolfe. Both books have a different way of teaching us this lesson and on page 11 of The Outsiders, Ponyboy is explaining the appearance and parts of their personality, he says, “Johnny Cade was last and least . If you picture a little dark puppy that’s been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd, you’ll have Johnny.” This line from the book is about how Ponyboy thinks of Johnny. Also on page 25 the author writes, “But Johnny was the gang’s pet, and Dally just couldn't hit him. He was Dally’s pet …show more content…

They will teach the reader the benefits of being kind to everyone and the consequences of underestimating a person because of their label. What it really means is that, just because society labels one person one way doesn’t mean that’s who they really are. You can’t judge someone without really knowing who they are, without knowing their flaws, strengths, and what they’re going through. You never know so don’t judge someone instantly, it could end badly for

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