Compare And Contrast Ezekiel And John 3: 1-14

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In this paper I will be exploring the connection of John 3:1-15 and Ezekiel 37:1-14 (TNIV), regarding the purpose of the Holy Spirit. While reading John and Ezekiel, I noticed four main comparisons about the Holy Spirit, including information on His power and position. The Holy Spirit is able to be related to the inner workings of our salvation, God, and ourselves.
John 3 says how “no one can enter the kingdom of God, without being born of water and the Spirit”, while Ezekiel 37 explains how the Spirit will be put in the believer and they will live. John explains that in order to enter the kingdom of God, the Spirit of God is required to be within them. Similarly, Ezekiel says that the Holy Spirit will be put in them, which will give them …show more content…

This connects the Spirit and the Father together to show they work together to further the kingdom of God. The breath goes into all those who believe and gives Christ’s righteousness to them. The wind will go where it pleases, ut since it is connected to the Father they are working as one.
John 13:6 says how the flesh only gives birth to flesh and the spirit only gives birth to the spirit, which means that no one can become apart of the Spirit, unless they abandon their fleshly and sinful ways and surrender themselves to God. This compares to Ezekiel saying that the dry bones will be made new with tendons, skin, and breath from the Spirit. Sinners are dead and dry within their sins, but the Holy Spirit breathes into them and gives life to the dead.This is the power and sanctity of the Holy Spirit, proving that He has the power to bring life from death, or in this case life from dry …show more content…

I look around at my friends and hear their inspirational stories of how the Holy Spirit has acted in their life, but it feels like I have been left to deal with my problems alone. I have thought hard about how the Spirit has acted in my life, and I realize that it is not always some miraculous conversion story. So I considered this portion of the paper for a long time. The most impactful story I can think of is from November 16, when Mr. Churchill spoke in chapel. I remember walking into my assigned chapel seat and seeing Mrs. Churchill sitting in the seat next to me, I soon put the pieces together and discovered that her husband was speaking. That chapel spoke to me and I could feel my heart tugging me to speak to her after chapel. I was afraid, since I did not want to seem like some weird high school kid talking to her about something that I knew nothing about. I wondered and worried, but once the message was over I turned and told her how sorry I was and that I thought she was such a strong person. I have been struggling with prayer and not only making myself pray, but seeing an actual point (power) in prayer. Ever since that day I have been praying for them regularly (wish I could say everyday, but I am human and forget). I know this story does not seem like a huge impactful moment, but it gave me reassurance that the Holy Spirit does use me. I know that me speaking to her may

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