Compare And Contrast Atrahasis And Gilgamesh

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The Flood story has been retold, and interpreted in different styles or versions and pass on to generations. For instance the two stories – the Babylonian version in the Atrahasis and Gilgamesh epic, and the Yahwist version from Genesis are the two famous flood stories with similar themes and a few similarities like, the flood occurred in Mesopotamian plain, main characters were asked or warned to build a boat to escape from the flood, but they differ in the events that took place, i.e., the details in these stories are different. The main difference is Genesis has a monotheistic mythology and Babylonian epic has polytheistic mythology. Atrahasis is a Babylonian or Akkadian epic of the great flood. Atrahasis was a Sumerian king of Shuruppak …show more content…

The first tablet describes the creation of humans in the world, the second deals with the over crowded humans who made noise which was distracting for Gods, so they gave flood in order to control the overpopulation which is in the third tablet. It is same as Gilgamesh epic; Gilgamesh was a king of Uruku, “Gilgamesh epic was written in 1900 BC by some Akkadian scholars” (Colavito, Jason). Atrahasis was saved along with his family and makes offerings to God just like Utnapishtim, survivor of the flood story. Both stories are similar; they are almost same. But there are some dissimilarity between Genesis flood and Babylonian flood. Noah the main character from genesis flood was addressed directly from Yahweh while in Babylonian stories Gods addressed about the flood in dream to the main character. Yahweh was the God in genesis while Ea in the Babylonian version. The Gilgamesh epic was written before the Genesis, the former was written in 2000 BC in Sumerian cuneiform, and the latter in 400 BC. Humans showed wickedness, wicked schemes, corrupt, and lawlessness, Yahweh regretted himself for creating man so he decides to destroy the world by flooding. The reason of …show more content…

We saw the Babylonian and Genesis versions above. There are later traditions on the flood like Enoch literature, New Testament, the Qur’an that tries to fill gaps while interpreting the story and many more aspects. The Enoch is a religious work of ancient Jewish. “Genesis in Noah’s flood has no sign of cannibalistic monsters, wicked angels, and anthropophagous giants wrecking havoc upon the earth,” (Goff, Matthew). It mentions about angels declination in Genesis 6, but don’t have specific numbers, their names their origin or arrival. Enoch literature says 200 angels arrived on the earth to mount Hermon, from which their twenty chiefs were recognized or titled. The wives of angels were taught beatific, godly divine and customs, rules and laws by angels. The logic behind was to advance the sexual impulse in females. Angels learned to acquire metals from the earth and taught the males to make gems, swords and different weapons to lead more violence and up skill the as warriors. These traits are lacking in Genesis, Watchers suggest there was more violence than Genesis, for instance man eating Giants. This demonstrates a reason for the flood according to Watchers, there was evil, killing, murder and blood shedding and drinking creatures so God decided to destroy the world. They used to annihilate people by drinking their blood. Bible (Leviticus 17:11) express that blood is the lifeline for humans so blood is pondered as

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