Compare And Contrast All Summer In A Day And Harrison Bergeron

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At some point or another in everyone’s life they get jealous of someone. When some people get jealous they try to do anything they can, to be the same as other people. Sometimes what they do can hurt others. In the story “All summer in a day” by Ray Bradbury the students lock a girl in the closet so she can't see the sun that she has been waiting years to see. The story “Harrison Bergeron” written by Kurt Vonnegut jr. handicaps are given to people who can do something better than someone else. Through these two stories the author shows jealousy can make a person blind of others. Kurt Vonnegut jr. shows throughout this story that jealousy can make a person blind of others. When George was watching the ballerinas he noticed they were “burdened with sash weights and bags of birdshot,” the ballerinas are handicapped because people were jealous of them. The government did not think of how it would hurt the ballerinas. Hazel was talking to George “ George began to think . . . but a twenty-one gun salute in his head stopped that . . . George was white and trembling and tears stood on the rims of his red eyes.” George is handicapped to stop him from thinking. The government does not know how bad it hurts to have the sound going off every twenty seconds. …show more content…

The other kids are jealous Margot remembers what the sun is like and they don't so they say she is wrong. The kids are making Margot upset. When all the kids came inside after it started raining again “Their faces were solemn and pale. They looked at their hands and feet, their faces down.” The kids finally realised that Margot was right. They are guilty because Margot was locked in the closet while they were outside having

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