Community Health Promotion Video Analysis

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After doing the class readings and watching the video I do feel like community approached to health promotion make a difference. From what I have understood when a community is given the right materials, resources, support, participation and structure they can be unstoppable (TEDMED, 2015). When a community has all the approve things I have mentioned they can achieve the health behavior goal that was intended for them (TEDMED, 2015). For example the video gave an example of how built environments, the way a community is built, makes a difference on the populations behaviors and what they have access to. A perfect example of this is physical activity. If the community is overweight, you have to look at what types of resources they have access to. Does the community have good parks, do they have side walks to promote walking, are there bike lanes to promote exercise and less use of …show more content…

I agree with the strategies used in this program! I like that they impact the environment, policy and social networks of communities in order to make healthy choices an easier option for the community (Healthways, 2016). Being able to hit all three of these community aspects allows public health officials to examine all levels of a communities resources and what's available or not avalaibe, whats forcing them or making it easier for them to make the negative choice over the healthier one. I am not sure on exactly what type of theories that the program uses but I believe that the social influence theory and or the self regulation theory were used to help facilitate change. Both these theories look at how a community is influenced by its surroundings, but they also look at individuals influences in the home and in the

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