Common Themes In The Movie 'Yojimbo'

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It has been said that movies have repeating themes. Ideas have just been circling around and what distinguishes a movie from the other is the way it was portrayed. Some of the most common themes that we can observe in films are the man versus nature where the characters are fighting for survival, man versus himself or the struggle of the character’s self-demise, loss of innocence that portrays the journey of the characters into self-identity, love conquers all which is basically inclined to romance, and good versus evil. The aforementioned central themes when used caused familiarity to the audience due to its countless repetition. This makes such movies relatable and therefore universal. Central themes in films have just these innate characteristics that makes it desirable and satisfying. …show more content…

Akira Kurosawa, the director, used the following themes in the said movie—revenge, death as part of life, and the battle. The two gangs in the movie headed by Seibei and Ushitora worsen their feud for they continue to outrank each other through vengeance. These has been represented in the film through the manipulation of Sanjuro, the Samurai that leads to the burning of the silk store, ransacking the barrels of Sake, and the kidnapping of the two parties. Their hatred with one another fueled by pride and power led to the death of the gamblers of the two gangs. This is why it has been said in the movie that the coffin maker is the only one in the village that is making money. Lastly, it is evident that battles have been a part in this film. The first shown battle between the two gangs has quite the humor added into it as both gangs move back and forth as they engage in battle. This shows how afraid they are in fighting despite their strong

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