Common Themes In Lumen Gentium

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In my studies of Lumen Gentium, I came across the theme of the Unity of the people of God in the Church and Christ as the head of this mystical body. Saint Joan of Arc stated “Of Jesus Christ and the Church I know this—they are simply one thing and we should not complicate this manner” .Bishop Robert Barron illustrates a beautiful 12th century mosaic image in the Church of St. Clemente. He points to the center of the image to Christ Crucified surrounded by 12 doves, signifying the 12 apostles that are to carry the message of Christ throughout the world. Growing out of the Christ’s cross is are elegant vines that swirl around and branches, leaves and Life. He points to the fact that this symbolizes a living breathing organism that is the mystical body of Jesus that we are to join in. The Words uttered by Jesus “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men to myself”, come alive through this depiction (John 12:32) .The Church is meant to gather not just the people of the world, but we are to gather all of creation and all of nature in the energy of Jesus. The Church its self is a living organism that once we are baptized we become living cells of this body. In this we find that beating and source of the life of this body is the Holy Trinity which lays its ultimate foundation in the church’s life. …show more content…

God the father offers love and salvation, Christ as true God and true man redeems through his sacrifices on the cross, The Holy Spirit inspires mankind dwelling in the church and heart of the

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