College Cost Essay

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As high school students begin to look into getting a higher education, certain factors determine what college they may look into: locations, academic profile, graduation rate, school size, and, to some the most important, the cost of the university. The cost of a university can play one of the biggest deciding factors in furthering one’s education. Many students do not have hundreds of thousands of dollars for college. There are many poor people in this world who want to attend college and earn a degree to support themselves and their family and be able to live a more comfortable life. Everyone should have the opportunity to go to college. Every year, college prices are increasing, causing it to be less affordable. This will discourage people …show more content…

According to the Bowling Green State Website the average in-state student spends about “23,864 dollars a year” ("Cost Summary.”). That is about 95,000 dollars for a total of four years. Students traditionally take out subsidized and unsubsidized loans to cover the total cost of tuition. That may take students ten to twenty years to pay, but if rates are lowered so would the number of loans taken out every year to cover the cost of tuition. A university may not perform as effectively if they have to reduce the tuition cost. Tuition ,in most cases, covers the cost of classes, typically, how much professor get paid, and the daily up keeping of the university If tuition were to get reduced most of those things would be affected. If professors were to not get paid a lot, or have to get a pay cut, some of them may not appreciate that and want to go else where, and if maintenance is not taken care of the school would be in good condition, and which may distract some people or even discourage students and staff to want to work and attend the

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