College Basketball Pros And Cons

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College basketball is one of the most exciting sports to watch. A big reason for this is because the best college coaches from the best teams are recruiting the best players. In the past this would make fans happy, especially if a great player goes to the school the fan likes. Not anymore. Throughout the past five years there has been a growing trend of college freshman only staying in school one year then going to the NBA. These players are called “one and dones.” The NBA created a rule for college freshman which states they can not graduate from high school and go straight to the pros, but they must attend college for at least one year, then they will have the opportunity to get drafted. College basketball fans and coaches both have their opinions on this …show more content…

The popularity of college basketball players leaving school after only playing one year continues to increase. Many fans and coaches all over the nation are against the one and done rule and think college basketball players should stay in school for at least two years. John Feinstein, writing for the Washington post has the same view as many people do on the one and done rule in college basketball. He thinks the rule should be done away with immediately. “It is draining much of the joy out of college basketball for

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