College Admissions Essay-The Influence Of Basketball

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“It’s over! It’s over! Cleveland is a city of champions once again!” exclaimed Mike Breen’s voice from the television set. The collective sounds of disappointed groans and celebratory cheers ricocheted off of the walls of the room as the realization sunk in: the Cleveland Cavaliers knocked off the favored Golden State Warriors in Game 7 of the NBA Finals. As half of the room erupted into overjoyed hurrahs and the other half hid their faces in their hands, I thought back to my first experiences with this game - basketball.

As far back as I can remember, basketball has been the sport that has greatly influenced my life. My childhood was characterized by playing basketball on the weekends, watching it on TV throughout the week, and learning …show more content…

Cooperation from each individual of the team is required to achieve the end result: a win. Whether it be in a project setting or communicating with others, selflessness and understanding the dynamic of a team is necessary to achieve optimal results. Basketball taught me that winning only comes when a group of individuals is cemented together as a cohesive group, one that allows no obstacles to permeate its territory.

In addition, basketball reveals to its players that everything is not easy; there will be adversity. The ability to overcome adversity and emerge victorious from conflict is the mark of a perseverant individual. Struggling through difficulties in life such as losing a game and failing a test can potentially make an individual stronger if he or she has perseverance and endures the hardship to achieve success.

Dedication is important in all aspects of life. In basketball, one must be committed to the craft in order to reap the benefits, becoming stronger and faster and playing at a highly skilled level. Furthermore, being dedicated in other aspects of life remains important because that is the only way to attain goals. Without having the dedication to study or learn material, an individual can not expect to perform to the highest level because they have not put in the time and effort necessary to warrant

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