College Admissions Essay: My Love Of The Human Body

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From the time I was a child, I’ve had an ever-present love of natural science. I longed to understand how the human body functioned, why it functioned in certain ways, and how people are able to develop technology to combat sickness and abnormalities within the body. When I was ten years old, my mother was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and I remember spending hours trying to wrap my head around this disease. Each time I encountered a word that I didn’t understand, such as “glucose,” “insulin,” “metabolic,” I plunged deeper into my research. I watched a number of videos that all explained the same concept, but some in more detail than others. That is how I was with everything; wanting to dig beneath the surface and find the root of the problem, …show more content…

I was eager to explore these subjects, ready to learn and apply each concept, and I felt as if I knew a great deal about the world and the complex species that inhabits it. I felt that I would eventually be capable of doing what I knew I wanted to do in the world. Even still in my second year of studying chemistry, my Advanced Placement Chemistry class is a place where I continue to unravel the intricate weavings of nature, as I prepare to move forward in my studies and towards making my dream a reality. Cornell’s College of Arts and Sciences is where I take the first steps, as it offers the courses I need to take and at the highest levels of proficiency. The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology provides the firm curriculum that I need to pursue a career in medicine, and that also gives its students room to explore electives and look after other interests, as well as carry out research. If granted the opportunity to further my education at Cornell, I hope to begin studying under the Honors Accelerated Curriculum, while minoring in Inequality Studies. It is quite different from medicine, but that is the beauty of Cornell: it values the importance of academic freedom, providing students with the opportunity to be grounded in a full education and tailor their courses to fit their specific career

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