College Admissions Essay: How Technology Changed My Life

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The desire to move forward is intrinsically human. This Desire has been the backing force behind all great evolutions and innovations changing the way we live our lives. Since the industrial revolution these changes have occurred in quick succession continually pushing technology forward in order to ‘improve’ our lives. Somewhere along the line we developed the notion that with a newer phone, faster computer or whatever the next device happens to be, we will finally reach perfection. We will become the human beings that we have always wanted to be. The Internet has a strange appeal to us as humans; it is another world we can get lost in when reality gets difficult or scary. We are able to enter a virtual world where we can hide behind a layer …show more content…

For me personally I often use it as a means of communicating with my family who is far away for the majority of the year while I am at school. I would like to make more attempts to cut myself off the Internet perhaps not permanently but for periods of time. In the past I chosen to leave behind all devices during any trip or adventure I take whether it be a three-week trip to see family in the summer or just a day trip to go hiking. I would like to be able to bring some more of these practices into my life in times when I am not physically removed from my devices. All to often after a long day of classes I find myself drawn to a screen as a means of turning off my brain for a time. Instead of turning to my technology and screens I would love to be able to just decide to take some time outside or sit with some of my friends or even choosing a book over watching a TV show. To go even further than just limiting my technology use I would like to work on being more present in the human interactions that I am having. To live fully in reality rather than keeping one toe in the digital world by checking my phone every five minutes to see if anything has changed. I would love to be fully in the world in those times that I am out in the world. The Internet and technology can be a positive tool in our lives that facilitates community and social interaction but only if we keep its role in our lives in check. We should never allow digital communication to be the end all be all of human connection which may be where we are currently

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