Coherent Sense Of Identity Essay

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People need to identify themselves. Having “a coherent sense of identity” gives us the feeling of security, sanity, stability. But is it really possible to preserve this feeling of identity during all your life, in all of its aspects and changes? If we fulfil so many functions in life, have so many feelings and attitudes, the constant flow of information coming to our heads, can we possibly have a coherent sense of identity and stay the same all the time? The answer is no. not according to Kenneth Gerden, a psychology Professor and an adherent of the experimental psychology.
Gerden claims that people tend to use different masks in different situations in life, depending on the motivation, attitude, emotional state etc. So, the psychologist advocates people wearing masks and claims that is not abnormal or sick. However, according to the traditional viewpoint of such noted …show more content…

According to Gerden, “The finding demonstrates that it is easy to modify the mask of an identity, but it says little about underlying feelings.” In fact, the mask itself can be a source of good or bad mood, high or low self-esteem etc. Thus, the assumption that that the “normal development equips a n individual with a coherent sense of identity” is false. As a matter of fact, it is normal for a person to play many social roles in our reach and varied life. So, using a mask according to an event is normal, it also constitutes the idea of who the person really is. And a set of masks is actually a set of instruments to show the whole variety of a human identity. Thus, my personal opinion is that masks are not multipole identities; each mask represents a separate aspect of one and the same identity that is to be used in a particular

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