Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Study

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Goals of the Therapy Session The goal of the therapy session is for the client to share his traumatic experience and for the client to think positive in order to cope with his brother’s loss. My client has not had an opportunity to speak to anyone about his thoughts and feeling about his brother’s death. He has kept everything on his mind about his brother internally. When he is presented with challenges, he mentions the memory of his brother that passed away. Theory or Clinical Approach you are referencing The clinical approach that I’m utilizing is Trauma Focus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The reason I shoes this model is because it is an opportunity for my client to turn a tragic event to something possible in his life. Once my client …show more content…

I had previously showed my client on how to do a CBT triangle in regards to taking his medication. The client had negative thoughts about his medication and its possible side effects. With the CBT triangle, the client learned how to view is concern into an opportunity to realize how taking his medication would outweigh is concerns about possible side effects. For this session, I showed my client another triangle and had him tell me what his feeling, thoughts, and behaviors are regarding his brother’s death. I chose this technique because I know that my client is a visual learner. Also, the main reason for choosing this technique is because my client remains negative about life challenges and often brings up his brother’s death when things are not going his way. He identified his negative feeling at first and then found a way of thinking about his brothers death as positive outcome for him. He identified nit be worried about his brother and that his brother is now safe from the harm of others. The client will also have to practice the triangle activity at home. He will challenge his negative thoughts and think about the positive thoughts he came up with during the therapy

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