Coda Lidencing

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The first question about this topic would be: Why would a word-final consonant have to be syllabified in an onset, and not in a normal post-nuclear rhymal complement (Coda) position. After all, we have this position in word internally, and this Coda is so important as it differs some languages to others called “CV languages”.
First of all, Coda is an old term, back to the time that all consonants which occur after a nucleus could be simply attached to the rhyme in the form:

,where C could even accommodate 2 consonants when N is neither a long vowel nor a heavy diphthong. Nowadays, Coda is more accurately called rhymal complement, to accentuate the fact that it is not a constituent, while onset and nuclear are.

Why can’t a word end in a consonant?
If we observe the way languages behave, so many exceptions seem to occur in the word-final “Coda”, every rules about how it should normally behaves is so frequently broken that leads us to the question whether this “Coda” could be defined as such.

1- The case of vowel shortening rule.

Basically, long vowels are shortened in a closed syllable (Kaye). And here are some examples to illustrate this proposition.

Ex: French, chat [Sa:] and chatte [Sat]
Yawelmani, [sa:pit] and [sapnit]

In both cases above, the vowels are shortened to accommodate a consonant in its rhymal complement position, because we know that there is no long vowel or heavy diphthong in a branching rhyme.

But in cases when the consonant which occurs after long vowel is also situate at the end of the word, this rule is not observe.

Ex: French, vert [ve:r] and verdure [verdu:r] English, keep [ki:p], and green [gri:n]

Those examples shows violation of the above rule stated where no coda could be accommodated into a rhyme with long vowel or heavydiphthong.

2- The case of word-finally consonant cluster.

Words in English like kept, child, find…pose several problems in phonological analysis.
First problem would be the rule about “no branching coda in a branching rhyme”, the second would be the nature of consonant clusters; consonant like pt, ld, rt… are not the normal consonant cluster so-called well-formed cluster, the well-formed cluster in a language could be easily spotted in a branching onset. If we could not find them at the beginning of any English word, there is a big chance that they are not a good cluster, so we can separate them into two different syllable if found in middle of a word, the natural order of two consonant occurring next to each other must be respected, re-syllabification is not possible.

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