Clear And Present Danger Test Which Can Be Used To Limit A Person's Rights

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1.)The quote above presents the "clear and present danger" test, which can be used to limit a person's right to free speech. Why are rights guaranteed in the Constitution limited instead of absolute? The rights mentioned in the constitution are limited instead of being absolute in order to provide safety and well as freedom to all citizens in the United States. For example the first amendment givens ever citizen the freedom of speech, but if someone was to threaten another citizen; even though everyone has freedom of speech they would still be arrested to protect keep other citizens safe. That does not guarantee them freedom of speech, because it denies the safety of Americans. At the end of the day are rights are limited in order to protect the greater good. 2.) Do you think the Constitution does more to protect a person's …show more content…

Even though the Constitution many limit some of our rights they are for our own safety, andhelp to protect the United States as a whole. For example, the third amendment rights allows people to bear arms and allows Americans the ability and the right to protect themselves from danger. 3.)How does the government try to balance the rights of the individual with the good of society? By collecting taxes from the people and then using those taxes for programs such as welfare, free education, and health care the government is able to balance the rights of the induvial while still keeping in mind the good of society. Government also has different originations such as the FDA and EPA which are created to help protect the people. 4.)Which is more important: the good of the public or the rights of the individual? Why? I my onion that the good of the public is more important than the rights of an individual. The majority is more important than one or two people. The government has to think about how their actions will affect the nation as a whole not just a few

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