Classroom Management Philosophy Statement Essay

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I believe Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I believe that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take place. Having the right environment for all students to learn is my major goal of implementing good classroom management--without it the students would not be able to learn. Room Arrangement Walking through the door, students feel safe and welcome wandering to their seats in a big circle of tables. They can see their classmates as they face each other and glance from wall to wall looking at maps, art, famous people, different cultures and student work all depicted in colorful posters around the room. As I start the lesson from my desk, which is also included in the circle, the students get out their journals and colorful pens to record today’s lesson and their personal thoughts, questions or even art. I believe the set up of a classroom has a big effect on student learning and I hope that my classroom will be an environment that will engage my students in critical thinking, discussions and reflection. Having the tables in a circle will create an environment rich in discussions. I think …show more content…

I always want to have the agenda on the board so they can copy it down in their notebook everyday as they walk in. On some days I hope to have a free-writing assignment so I can take role and they can be engaged and working on their writing. I will use interactive notebooks so students can do all homework assignments in the notebook as well as take class notes in the notebook and staple in any handouts. I am still debating my thoughts on homework and I don’t believe in giving homework for homework’s sake. I believe in giving out 2-3 nights a week of homework that enhances what we are discussing in class and students are given the homework assignment at least every week so that they can plan their weeks in

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