Classical And Observational Learning Essay

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The differences Between classical, operant conditioning, and observational learning, there are many differences. The classical learning is tied with stimulus. Operant learning is when behaviors are reinforcement, or punishment. Observational learning is learning by watching things, and the way things are done by others. Classical learning ties in with stimulus. Ivan Pavlov did an experiment with his dogs on classical learning. He put the natural stimulus of food with the sound of the bell. The dogs would already salivate to their food, when they got fed. So every time he fed his dogs he would ring the bell, and every time they got fed they would salivate from their food. After multiple times of ringing the bell when he fed his dogs, they eventually would just salivate at the sound of the bell. Classical learning happens when a previously neutral stimulus and naturally occurring stimulus have an association formed between them. The dogs got so used to hearing the bell when they were given their food, that it formed the association between the two stimulus. I have a nephew who is almost four years old, but when he was about 8 months we had this rubber spider that we would show him, and …show more content…

Classical learning is when a previously neutral stimulus and naturally occurring stimulus have an association formed between them. Just like when Ivan did the experience with his dogs, they now salivate from the ring of the bell because the association formed between the two stimulus. Operant learning is tied with your behaviors, and the outcome. We are most likely to stop doing things when we get a punishment from them, but when we get a reward we are most likely to keep doing that thing that gets us that reward. Observation learning is from when we watch others and how they do things, and we learn from it. There is a big difference in all three of these and the ways we

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