Claire Monologue

2016 Words5 Pages

By the time I had begun liking you and Claire simultaneously, I forgot about Connor completely. You mostly locked yourself in the piano room in the morning and I was in the band room talking with others including Claire. I also was by Claire a lot when band was pretty much over, so our band period was free to do whatever. We got closer and I do believe she developed a crush on me, but I’m not positive because I’m not her. I can however think of two times when it seemed she tried to ask me out but it didn’t come out right or completely sound right where I caught it, and she didn’t persist so I assumed she was making a joke. With you in May I really tried to get closer again as well. A couple times I worked my way in the piano room, and we even …show more content…

Honesty is very important to me and it should be to you so here this is: You mentioned you have tennis courts really close to your house, where we could play tennis. You also used “Gages Lake” covers on some of your snapchat posts. I put two and two together and went on google earth and looked for tennis courts in District 121 near Gages lake. I found two matches. The 6 tennis courts near the Almond Campus, and 2 tennis courts just north of Grand Ave. From stuff you’ve said I knew the ones you lived by weren’t the Almond ones. So that afternoon, at 2 o’clock, I left on a bike ride. I biked to what I thought was your neighborhood, and all over that area, including all around the Almond Campus. My goal was to bike about 50 miles, but where I picked to bike was based on where I thought you lived. I really wanted to see you and hoped to run into you “accidentally”, as I am missing seeing you the same way I was during Winter break, but the fact you know I really like you makes me not feel I need to hold back as much, though I am still because I know you like Connor over me. I was in that area for about four hours. But I was always biking, and only stopped once by some building by the park and tennis courts to rest in the shade. That’s where I took a pic of the words “It hurts really bad” on the wall of some gated concrete block probably covering the septic system. When I finally decided to head home, knowing I won’t see you because you were at Six Flags according to your story, I filled my water bottle at Potbelly and headed home. On my way I saw someone who I swear was your mother watering the plants by your front walk. She even looked at me surprised, but there’s no way she recognized me because I had my Cubs

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