Chillow Pillow Research Paper

653 Words2 Pages

Constructing the Chillow Pillow: First, you get or make a pillow. Second, you will need baking soda, calcium chloride, water. Put all of that inside a ziploc baggie. If you are scared it will leak double bag it. Third, put the bag inside on the top of the pillow. Finally, you wait for the pillow to chill your head. Who will use the device: Who is going to use this device? Someone who wishes that they had a cold pillow. If someone had a headache they could go lay down on their cold pillow. The chillow pillow would be a great thing to have. When you have a fever normally, you are burning up. But you want to curl up in a blanket. With the chillow pillow you could cool yourself off while being warm in a blanket. Materials: The materials you need to construct the chillow pillow you would need calcium chloride, water, a pillow, ziploc baggie, and baking soda. Once you have created it you can go chill with your chillow pillow. With these items you will be able to construct something great. The chillow pillow is awesome is will cool your head in no time, all you need is to go get one! …show more content…

Does your pillow ever get hot at night? With the pillow we have created you wouldn’t have to flip your pillow over you can just let it cool your head. The chillow pillow would be great for someone who likes a cool pillow. Some people are complete opposites. Some people like the room cold some like it hot. With the chillow pillow the person who likes it cold can have the chillow pillow, while the other is snuggled in their

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