Personal Narrative Essay About Hats

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The cold air whips me across my face; the sudden blast of the sharpness pierces my skin. My silent guardian does its best to protect me from the harsh elements. This small piece of headwear stands for much more than ‘just a hat.’ This simple, perfectly rounded, mauve coloured beanie has helped me survive through many a winter. I have loved hats for as long as I can remember, even as a young girl, I have always relished the opportunity to change who I am from just a swap of a hat. One day I am the sheriff, the next day, a pilot. As I got older, my purpose for hats changed- whether it was to stop people from seeing my out of control hair, or to keep me warm- the magic slowly started to fade. Until, there came a day when I was strolling through …show more content…

It felt as if I was seeing the world through the eyes of a child, all because of this strange piece of knitted fabric, without having to go back in time. Yet staring back at the small piece of cloth in my hand got me thinking. Why was such a dull colour used for an object full of wonder? It was as if no thought was really put in to the hat. Granted, the pom pom was a nice touch but it seems like most hats have one. This question started a whole new conversation in my head. Was the producers’ choice of colour reflecting how they were feeling and how it did not matter what colour this insignificant object was? Was my future job going to leave me tired and broken? It made me wonder if life was structured around work, and if work made life worse. I began to think there was no relationship between me and my hat. After all, it was just another thing in my life that made me happy; but maybe instead of over thinking an object, we can just be grateful that it is with us. It was a necessity when winter came, a fun addition to an outfit, but for the rest of the year it would just sit on my shelf getting lonely and weak. I could always find a need for it, but at the end of the day it was just another item of

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