Child Soldiers Persuasive Essay

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When the word “soldier” comes to mind many people think of a strong courageous adult who is battling for their country. Many people think of a soldier as a person who has voluntarily put their lives in danger once again for their home and native people.After that when a “child” comes to mind you think a person who goes to school every day and loves to play and loves candy.You would never in a million years think these two would ever be together and combine to become one yet our society creates something like Child soldiers which is absolutely insane and not a great invention at all yet still our society creates it and uses it like nothing's wrong about those mixing together.Child soldiers are children who are under the age of 18 who are recruited …show more content…

some of the child soldiers get recruited at the age of eight.Found in many countries, for example, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen.These are some of the countries that have child soldiers.All these countries 40% and above of their population are 15-year-olds which forces them to have child soldiers.Because their population for adults is way too low.Since 1998 there have been armed events including child soldiers in at least 36 district countries.Many are pushed into engagement, where they have a chance to make it mandatory to be on the front lines or directed into minefields ahead of older troops.Over the past ten years, two million children have been wiped out during combat on the battlefield and over six million have been severely damaged.Children are variously exposed to military recruitment because of their emotional and physical immaturity state, they are simple to shape and can be allured into a brutal force that they are too young to prevent or tolerate.There are many ways for children to become part of armies and groups.Some children are so poor that they volunteer, become a child soldier so it ensures the child a meal or two.Also, a few children are abducted and beaten into capitulation.Next some Watch their parents and family get humiliated and killed so they join an army to take revenge or assured money or a chance of an improved life.Because their population for adults is way too low.Shockingly

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