Charlie And The Chocolate Factory Analysis

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In Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dalh use’s the 7 deadly sins to symbolize the main characters from the 1964 book. Willy Wonka holds a contest where five kids find a golden ticket in a candy bar can come into his factory, take a tour, and win a prize at the end. The seven deadly sins represent seven of main characters. The seven deadly sins are lust, gluttony, greed, pride, anger, sloth, and envy throughout my paper you will see how each one is represented.
Willy Wonka is the leading owner of the chocolate factory, no one has been inside and one day he decides to hold a contest in which 5 kids are chosen to come into the factory with one adult and they win a prize at the end. While the kids are in the factory they notice that Willy Wonka seems to be unusual at periods. He has flash backs at random times which stops him in his shoes and the way his factory runs by Oompa-Loompas is bizarre to the adults and they think something is majorly wrong with him. Each kid makes a mistake though out the journey and has to be sent to a certain room to be fixed. Charlie Bucket and his grandpa are the first to make a mistake, they dink fizzy lifting drinks, but he and his grandpa resolve it themselves. In the end Willy Wonka is very mad and Charlie does not receive the prize because Willy Wonka new of the mistake they had made and said they did not deserve it. Willy Wonka says, “You get nothing, you lose, good day sir!” Then Charlie hands Willy Wonka a gobstopper, he tells Charlie that he had now won the prize because he was the only child not to eat the gobstopper and he retuned it to him. Willy Wonka symbolizes anger at the end of the story because of what he did to Charlie when he got mad and yelled.
Augustus Gloop is a very bi...

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...with the golden eggs she wants one and her father offers Willy Wonka as much money as he wants, Willy Wonka says their not for sale and Veruca gets very mad. After she complains she sits on a table that the eggs are dropped on to see if they are good or bad and she is chosen as a bad egg and gets send to the dumpster and all of this symbolizes greed.
Mike Teavee is a young boy that sits in front of the TV all day and plays video games about cowboys and Indians. When he is shown on the news his mom even brags saying he’s never eaten at the table and she serves all of the dinners while in front of the TV. Nike symbolizes sloth because he doesn’t do anything besides sit in front of the TV. While in the TV room in the factory Mike chooses to be sent into the air and then shows up on the TV screen. Mike cannot seem to get away from the TV not matter what form its in.

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